For a marriage, the state issues you with a marriage license. And, if you decide to end the marriage, the state issues you with a Final Judgement and Decree of Divorce. It’s not mandatory to fight it out in court for you to receive a divorce decree. Appearing in court is one of the ways to resolve divorce matters. You can choose that route, or opt for divorce without court.
Options for resolving the case without litigation are namely, collaborative law divorce and mediation. A Tacoma Divorce Attorney can guide you on the options you have for divorce without court.
1. Collaborative Law Divorce
Conflict and divorce in the family. Sad children can not choose whom to stay with their parents
Given that your spouse and you are open to resolving your issues outside court, a Collaborative Law Divorce is worth considering. During a Collaborative Law Divorce process you’ll need to work with competent Collaborative Law attorneys. Additionally, you might also collaborate with financial experts, child specialists, and counselors to ensure you’re making the right decisions. Your spouse and you will still have control over the decision-making, but the professionals are available for consultation and guidance.
Note that during a Collaborative Law Process, the couple agrees to employ good faith techniques to reach an agreeable settlement. They must disclose all the appropriate details voluntarily. If a settlement can’t be reached, the couple should obey the agreement of cutting ties with their Collaborative Law Lawyers. They’ll need to hire a new litigation lawyer because Collaborative Law attorneys cannot represent clients in later litigation.
2. Divorce Mediation
- The mediation process is a highly flexible way of getting a divorce without going to court. A mediated divorce is usually the least expensive divorce route because you don’t need to pay multiple lawyers.
- Rather than paying for two separate lawyers, you have one experienced attorney serving as a neutral mediator. He or she guides you through the mediation process and helps you understand a reasonable foundation for your agreements before filing.
- You will have the choice of retaining an extra lawyer to advise you on the side and draft final mediation agreements. However, that lawyer does not need to attend the mediation meetings. And, your legal fees are minimized because you will not need two separate attorneys throughout the process.
- All in all, divorce mediation is an excellent option for spouses who want to decide amicably for themselves.
Is Divorce Without Court Always a Viable Option?
- Whether the divorce options above are sensitive to your will primarily depend on your special circumstances and divorce case. If you’re considering divorcing without court, you should agree and aim to avoid the hurt, and resentment associated with court divorces. However, if you’re not sure whether divorce outside a courtroom is good for you, talk to a lawyer for advice.
It’s also worth noting that not all states allow couples to get a divorce judgment without heading to court. Certain states require you to make an appearance in front of a judge. However, if you can resolve your differences beforehand, your appearance in court may be a matter of minutes, instead of hours.
Alliance Law Group, Tacoma Divorce Attorneys
Our lawyers can help you avoid unnecessary conflict in divorce and guide you through reaching a settlement outside of court. Call us at 253-300-2055 today to schedule a free consultation with a Tacoma divorce attorney. We have lawyers who are well-trained in Collaborative Law Processes and Divorce Mediation.