Divorce is an unsightly word among firefighters. Many people believe that the firefighter divorce rate is higher than for the general public. However, that may only be true for female firefighters, not for male firefighters.
High-stress occupations have been known to equate to high rates of divorce. If you need help with assessing a divorce case, consult a Tacoma Divorce Attorney.
What’s the Firefighter divorce rate
A study done on firefighters from 31 US departments showed that divorce prevalence among male firefighters is similar to the overall population. On the other hand, divorce rate among female fighters was over three times higher than for women in the general population. Furthermore, the divorce prevalence among female fire fighters was substantially higher than for male personnel.
More than One Marriage
Undoubtedly, current marital status may not tell the whole story, particularly if firefighters who reach a divorce choose to remarry. According to a 2018 report by the Barna Group, 25% of American adults have been divorced at least once. Among married people, 33% have undergone a minimum of one divorce.
Looking at the men in the fire department, about 19.6% of them have been divorced once. Among the married male firefighters, 24.4% have undergone divorce at least once.
On the other hand, females in the fire service have a 40% chance of having had a divorce in their life. The prevalence of married female fighters having a previous divorce is 27.3%.
In 2009, two doctors (McCoy ad Aamodt) investigated the divorce rate among married persons within different job groups. They discovered the firefighter divorce rate for those who had been married stood at 14.1%. That figure was similar to the rate for law enforcement personnel (14.5%).
But, both rates were lower compared with the general U.S. population rate of 16.4%. On the other hand, military personnel had higher divorce rates at 18.7% than the overall population. Jobs with the highest rates of divorce were dancers, choreographers, bartenders and massage therapists.
The Occupation Puts Pressure on a Relationship
People in the fire department face many stressors during their shifts, and they may eventually take them home. That can have a direct impact on the life of their wives or husbands and children. Some of the stressors include:
- Constant exposure to danger and trauma
- Health risks for cancer, respiratory problems and chronic diseases
- A shift in mental and emotional stability because of witnessing loss of life or property
The schedule of a firefighter may also bring stress in a relationship. They work for over 40 hours in a week, which may mean having less time to spend with family. The schedule is worse for spouses married to firefighters with a second job. Such firefighters tend to spend their time focusing on other businesses rather than catering to their families. The end result is a strained relationship.
Final Thoughts
Divorce occurs in every profession, race, social class, and region. The fire industry is no different.
Stresses that come up on every tour can put stress on a relationship. However, marriages can be salvaged if each partner recognizes their role.
If you need a divorce lawyer in Tacoma, contact Alliance Law Group. We are knowledgeable of all the state and county divorce laws and will guide you through the whole process. Call us today for a free case evaluation.